Your privacy is very important to us. This Privacy Policy explains how your personal data is processed on this website. Therefore, we value transparency between our team and you, our user, strengthening our partnership and relationship of trust.
In this sense, we would like to reassure you, as we are fully compliant with Brazil's General Data Protection Law – LGPD (Law No. 13,709/2018), as you can see in the terms stipulated below.
1. Personal data collected
Firstly, we would like to make it clear that we do not collect any personal data through this portal. However, if it is necessary to collect personal data in the future to provide and continue our services, we will contact you to inform you of the update to this policy.
As there is no collection, consequently, there is no sharing of data with third parties for commercial purposes.
The only time any personal data will be processed will be in the case of identifying comments for blog posts. However, we clarify that this information will be kept only for user identification purposes, and is disclosed at the free will of the data subject. Even so, your exclusion will be entirely possible under the following terms.
In case of login through other social networks, we clarify that we do not process any data arising from this. ATTENTION: we are not responsible for the processing of data from the social networks that originated the login, as they have their own personal data processing policies (which we recommend you read).
2. Treatment
Only generic data is collected for diagnosing problems, preparing statistical, security and fraud-fighting analyses, with the aim of guaranteeing and improving the user experience. To this end, the data is completely anonymized, making any identification of the holder impossible.
3. From sharing
We do not share personal data with third parties. Data will only be shared to resolve technical problems or for statistical purposes. However, the data will still be anonymized, making any type of identification of the holder impossible.
Legal exception: for the procedures specified in Law No. 12,965/14 and Decree No. 8,771/16 (Marco Civil da Internet), users' registration data may be provided to the competent authorities without a court order.
4. Storage and security
We use secure and renowned techniques and software to store all information that passes through the website.
Therefore, we guarantee the use of technical and administrative measures capable of protecting personal data from unauthorized access and accidental or illicit situations of destruction, loss, alteration, communication or dissemination of your data.
5. Data deletion
Your information will be kept while the contracted services are being performed (we only keep the data essential for its operation). It is important to remember that, at any time, you can request the definitive deletion of the personal data you have provided to us.
Even in the case of a deletion request, some data will be kept in our system for the period defined in Brazilian legislation. We clarify that, even so, they will not be accessed or made available to third parties (except by court order), and will be kept in a secure system.
6. Contact
Any request, complaint or suggestion must be made by email via, and will be responded to in the shortest possible time. If there is no response, please get in touch through other communication channels.
Copyright © Blanchard Brasil. Rights reserved, by browsing you accept our privacy policy.